Good reading have I found

The first one is retired Navy commander Jeff Huber, over at Pen and Sword. Huber is a former military dude and thus can handle even the scary spectacle of Darth Cheney on MTP, which he discusses here. Huber notes the following:
Cheney has been called "Doctor Doom." He reminds me more of a few other comic book villains. Depending on his demeanor of the moment, he resembles The Penguin, The Thing or The Kingpin. And he showed all those sides of his personality on Meet the Press this morning.

Whoa, dude. Just one clarification: The Thing is a hero, not a baddie. And under those rocks, the Thing is a big softie. Personally, Darthie reminds me more of a pissed off Humpty Dumpty. But the most priceless comments are reserved for Condi:
Condi was never a real driver of the Bush administration's policy agenda. She was brought on board the team to be part of Dubya's office harem--a workout partner and a foreign affairs tutor. "Iraq is the country on the left of that little water thingie. Iran is the one on the right. That group of countries to the right of the bigger water thingie is Europe. To the left, on the other side of the even bigger water thingie, is Asia. That's where those little Chinese people live."

Heh. I'm going to be reading more of Huber's stuff. His writings can also be found at Daily Kos and ePlurbius Media.

For another former public servant with no love for Bushco, there's Larry Johnson, a former CIA analyst, over at No Quarter. Johnson continues to document the adminsitration's little credibility problem here and here. To wit: Saddam didn't trust al Qaeda and had nothing to do with al Qaeda, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Thank you. A lot of people already suspected this. Now can we have impeachment hearings? Please?

Here's Johnson a year ago, talking about the Valerie Plame scandal and spineless establishment Republicans:

I say this as a currently registered Republican: I wish Howard Baker was back in the Senate. I wish there was a Republican of some courage and conviction that would stand up and call the ugly dog the ugly dog that it is.

But instead, you know, I watched last night, John McCain on Chris Matthews' "Hardball," making excuses, being an apologist.

Where are these men and women over there with any integrity to stand up and speak out against this?

And I don't have great Republican credentials, but I started out in '72 working on the gubernatorial campaign of Kit Bond. Orrin Hatch wrote my recommendation letter. And I'm still a registered Republican. I expect better behavior out of Republicans.

Makes you wonder: maybe Karen Kwiatkowski and/or Brent Scowcroft should start blogging. They might have some interesting stuff to say.

Meanwhile, Eschaton notes the inconsistency of Jonah "I'd be flipping burgers in Podunk if it weren't for my mommy" Goldberg. Hee!

From "Hee!" to "Whoopee!": Donita Sparks, formerly (maybe presently? who knows?) of the amazing L7 is now blogging over at Firedoglake on Fridays. Most recently, she shared her playlist and her Vegas adventures. Redneck Feminist is another L7 fan. Ms. Sparks has been working on solo material. Here's hoping for a CD release soon.


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