It's Book Meme Tag Time! Wheeeeee!

Thanks to Pete Blackwell over at Parenthetical Remarks, I am the proud recipient of a Book Meme Tag. Being a book editor who has read a kazillion books in her lifetime (and gets paid to put them together, day in, day out), I am aware that this is going to take some brain thinkin'. Okay, I'll dive in:

A book that changed my life:

The dictionary, of course! Where would the English language be without dictionaries?

A book I've read more than once:

Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. And the Kate Bush song of the same name is really awesome, too.

A book I would take with me if I were stuck on a desert island:

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Boat Building. Uh, how about Sea Navigation for Dummies? Whaddya mean, those aren't real books? Oh, okay, I'll be serious. I'd take some really long George R.R. Martin novel, because they're ginormous and I've been meaning to check one of his books out for a long time. Maybe the first one, Game of Thrones.

A book that made me laugh:

Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. The book that got me through five days of jury duty. I have a copy signed by Mr. Gaiman himself.

A book that made me cry:

The Lottery Rose, by Irene Hunt.

A book I wish had been written:

The Complete "I Hate Con Edision" Handbook. Some northwestern Queens resident is probably writing such a book right now...

A book I wish had never been written:

Wings of the Dove by Henry James. Just thinking about this book, years after I suffered through it in college, is enough to induce horrific memories of tear-inducing boredom.

A book I've been meaning to read:

Mary, Queen of Scots, by Antonia Fraser.

I'm currently reading:

A lot of stuff actually. But mainly The Witch, the Wizard, and Two Girls from Jersey and Smoke and Shadows. And a freelance proofreading job. Does that count?

Now, it's time to tag five other bloggers. And those bloggers are...

Elayne Riggs
Scott_EVill Mockingbird's Medley
Ye Wei Blog
Vanity of Duluoz

Now that was fun!


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