Rightie pundits **heart** the DC Madam

Jack Burkman is the latest name to pop up on the DC madam's client list. And who's Jack Burkman? He's one of those analyst/pundit/consultant whatevers who pop up in GOP circles and on TV shows, all spouting the same stuff. He was a surrogate speaker for the Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign. He's appeared on "Scarborough Country," "Politically Incorrect," and (where else?) Fox News. He has his own firm, though it's a little unclear from his Web site exactly what it does. He also does what every good German right-wing toady does and defends Ann Coulter every chance he gets.

Oh yeah, and he has a history of paying for intimate relations. And mistaking lesbians for hookers.

afterward, we got a snazzy hotel room at the mayflower downtown. on the way over there, this really hot business man in a pinstriped suit walked past me, said hello, and doubled back. he asked me my name and introduced himself (jack burkman, government relations strategies), asked where i went to school, etc, gave me his card, and asked me to call him. i later texted him and never could get rid of him again. he thought he talked to me on the phone several times, but he never did. i always made kat or kristin be me. he told kristin about how he really enjoyed my outfit (TITS GALORE) and that i was beautiful, etc. by the end of the night (5 am or so), he was offering to pay for our room and give us a thousand dollars if two of us would fuck him. oh, jack burkman. his card is my DC souvenir.

Via Blanton's and Ashton's.


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