You you you are Person of the Year!

Yes, Time has voted YOU to be the Person of the Year. A wise choice, given that the alternative would've been the following:

a. Make Bush Person of the Year in light of his emerging legacy as Worst! Preznit! Ever!
b. Make Rummy Person of the Year and dwell on Situation FUBAR in all its messy detail.
c. Make Al Gore Person of the Year for "An Inconvenient Truth."
d. Make Nancy Pelosi, first female House Speaker, Person of the Year.
e. Make the GOP Party of the Year in light of the beating the party took in the elections this year.
f. Make the Democrats Party of the Year in light of the party's electoral gains, with a nice side look at the netroots and its role in electing Democrats to Congress.

Nice rightie newsweekly that it is, Time was unlikely to make any of the above choices. Acknowledge that the magazine's 2004 Person of the Year isn't really much of a revolutionary thinker? No way. Rather than deviate from the same political talking points of the past five or so years, Time took an easy way out and made you--yes, YOU!--Person of the Year. I'm almost tempted to pick up a copy and see if they made any mention of netroots amidst the column space devoted to blogs and YouTube and the information age. Maybe they'll ask Karl Rove to weigh in on ActBlue.

Over at HuffPo, Nora Ephron reacts to Time's cover story with some amusement. Man, I wish she'd stick to writing full time from now on. She. Is. Really. Funny.


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