Overrated people

Let's start with John McCain. Since positioning himself as a maverick didn't pan out, he has become one of those more-of-the-same Republicans who simply does. not. get. it.

So Laura Bush wore the same red suit that three or four other women were wearing? This nonentity of a First Lady had to get publicity for something, right? Is she popular with anyone? If so, why?

Barack Obama's a cool dude, but I hope he holds off on a run for president until he has some more experience under his belt. He's the kind of uniter--as opposed to divider--that this country needs, but he just. won. office. two years ago. Let him build a reputation as the kind of independent straight-talker that McCain was supposed to be before we start talking about a presidential run.

And La Hill? I'm ambivalent about her. Smart lady, but she' hasn't given the public any good reason to support her in 2008. At least not yet.

I'd love to see some fresh blood in 2008. No more Bushes or Clintons. Maybe a good governor who could do what Bill Clinton did in 1992--come out of nowhere and win an election. It would be interesting to see Janet Napolitano or Kathleen Sebelius run, but their names never come up as presidential candidates. Sigh...


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