Philly Soul Sundays!

Since I received my brand new stereo system, a Christmas gift from Le Sweetie, I've been listening to The Spinners' self-titled album. It's the one featuring "Could It Be I'm Falling in Love" and "I'll Be Around." Classic soul of the Philadelphia variety, made even more special by Phillip Wynne's aw-shucks vocal stylings and Thom Bell's production. And I'm left to wonder why Philly Soul is underrepresented in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Aside from the equally great O'Jays, none of them have even been nominated. You'd think that Bell or Gamble & Huff would be shoo-ins in the nonperformer category, but that doesn't seem to be the case. There are no Spinners, no Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, nobody. This is weird and kind of sucky. Who does the nominating and who votes these guys in? C'mon, we've got a serious imbalance here.