Harry Reid interview

Bob Geiger interviews the new Senate Majority leader. It seems that the right wing echo chamber is going to be in for a letdown. The politics of revenge and vindictiveness are now a thing of the past. The 110th Congress will be involved in other pursuits--like, I dunno, making laws and all that boring stuff.

It's great reading, but the most telling moment is when Geiger brings up the "I" word with Reid:

Geiger: House Speaker-elect Pelosi took some heat when she made the statement that the subject of impeachment is "off the table." Now, those of us who understand that politics is probably 99 percent gray and very little black and white, looked at it and said that it's probably not something that an incoming Speaker should say or that an incoming Majority Leader should say -- that they're specifically going after the president.

But that said, isn’t there a big difference between that and any investigations that might happen and, without benefit of a crystal ball, acting on whatever results may come from those investigations?

Reid: I haven't been interested in impeachment for some time because of two words: Dick Cheney. I think that there's a significant difference between impeachment and investigations. We have to have investigations. We have to have our Intelligence Committee complete the work they started on investigating how we went to war. That's an investigation. We would be derelict in our duties by not doing that.

This sort of confirms what I suspect--Bushes 41 and 43 chose their vice presidents not on merit but as insurance against assassination or impeachment.

Reid says he'll to bring an end to the nucleaar option, calling it "anti-Senate" and "anti-American." Also on the table is the long-overdue minimum wage increase. It would be really great if that horrible torture law was overturned as well. Here's hoping.


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