When the going gets bad...

...the bad become Fox News commentators. Everyone's favorite disgraced congressman-turned-blogger has found a new gig bloviating on Fox. Anyway, Susan over at Kiss My Big Blue Butt has been having fun at her former congressman's expense. On "Hannity & Colmes," DeLay has been repeating the classic "waaaaaaah, it's the liberal Democratic media's fault and it's not fair!" talking point to explain his legal troubles, Situation FUBAR, and just about any other misfortune he could come up with.

Man, how could a congressional Big Bad be such a dullard?

I'm desperately hoping, meanwhile, that Fox News gives Rick Santorum a regular gig. They could have the "Ricky and Zell Hour." That would be fun...as long as Zell doesn't get mad and challenge Li'l Ricky to a duel on the set.


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