This looks to be fuuuuuun...

Yes, Tom Delay, the oily Texas congressman who won't go away, has decided to blog. Only I don't think he realized all the work that went into blogging before he set up his new home away from home on the net. For one thing, people who read blogs often leave comments. And with a high-profile blogger like the Hammer is sure to be inundated with comments. Unfortunately, the comments were mostly negative, as Mr. DeLay is a very unpopular public figure. He even screwed over his party when he resigned from Congress after winning the primary, thus ensuring that he would have to stay on the ballot...and increasing the chance for a Democratic win. Long story short--Mr. DeLay's replacement in Congress is a Democrat. The GOP can't be happy about this.

At any rate, visitors to Mr. DeLay's blog had a lot of fun at his expense before he turned off the comments option. However, shutting the comments down won't make them go away. Note all the unregistered commenters with names like Jack Abramoff, Ann Coulter, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and Rick Santorum. Note also the frequent references to a possible future stay in prison. Not to mention some guy called John W. who keeps thinking of new ways to say, "You are a fucking moron."

Meanwhile, over at Kiss My Big Blue Butt (formerly Juanita's Beauty Salon), a former constituent of Tommy Boy offers this knee slapper:

Okay, here's the best part of DeLay Blog. The Hill says it'll be an organization like moveon dot org.

Except, I think in Tom's case, it should be named goback dot org.

Look, and I'm being perfectly serious about this, Tom is just looking for another way for somebody else to pay his green fees. Just watch - within three months will be spending money for golf trips with corporate jets. I'll betcha.


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