The new, thoughtful George W. Bush

George W. Bush now regrets some of the shouting, hollering, frothing, and breast beating that accompanied the Iraq war. Among other things, he wishes he hadn't said, "Bring it on!" I guess he learned to be careful what he wishes for.

Maybe that's why we're seeing a more nuanced, cautious Preznit, a commander-in-chief who chooses his words carefully. Good thing too, because the war's taken an ugly turn with the Haditha massacre. We don't know all the facts just yet, but the president is "troubled" by the news.
"I am troubled by the initial news stories," Bush said. "I'm mindful that there's a thorough investigation going on. If in fact, laws were broken, there will be punishment."

"Troubled" and "mindful." That's the new George W. Bush. I guess he won't be staging any war-related photo ops any time soon, eh?


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