ANOTHER former CIA analyst takes on Bushco

Specifically Rumsfeld. Think Progress has the whole transcript. The analyst in question is 27-year CIA vet Ray McGovern, and he's carrying on like a bona fide America hater here. Rummy bravely tries to change the subject:
RUMSFELD: It’s easy for you to make a charge, but why do you think that the men and women in uniform every day, when they came out of Kuwait and went into Iraq, put on chemical weapon protective suits? Because they liked the style?...They honestly believed that there were chemical weapons....

Well, the fact that the intelligence seems to have been cherry-picked (per Paul Pillar, another ex-CIA dude) may explain why they thought there were chemical weapons.
And I don't know about you, Rummy, but I wasn't aware anyone joined the military to make a fashion statement.
Let's continue:
RUMSFELD: Saddam Hussein had used chemical weapons on his own people previously. He’d used them on his neighbor (AUDIO GAP) the Iranians, and they believed he had those weapons.
We believed he had those weapons.
MCGOVERN: That’s what we call a non sequitur. It doesn’t matter what the troops believe; it matters what you believe.

Whoops, looks like hiding behind the troops didn't work.
Man, Bushco must hate the CIA these days.


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