Bits and pieces. Dribs and drabs. Flotsam and jetsam. And other stuff floating around the blogosphere.

When the going gets tough, the tough (uh-huh) just pray. "Please, God, just skip a year so we can have 2008 elections early. Please!!!! From the Defeatists.

Meanwhile, Neomugwump stumbles onto a right-wing fruitcake who points to the Nazis as a good example of how to handle illegal immigrants. Dennis Sanders, Neomugwump blogdude, has to have the patience of a saint to remain in the GOP.

Moxiegrrrl finds Dick Cheney channeling Blackbeard.
Those are some scary teeth he's got. Sure there are other things about the guy that are scary, but I noticed those teeth. EEEEWWWWWW.

Speaking of Tricky Dick, the Rude Pundit weighs in on his speech-cum-pirate impersonation.


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