You know you're taking supermarket tabloids waaaaaaaaaay too seriously when...

Well, the National Enquirer says that Bush has started drinking again. The lefty blogosphere loves to hear bad things about Bush (I know I do), but nevertheless, this IS the Enquirer. Elayne Riggs is pretty annoyed to find the leftyblogs chortling over this (probably and possibly fake) story:

You know, the guy in the White House has an actual record of what he has and hasn't done this past 4+ years. Most liberals would find that record abysmal. In criticizing this administration, can't we stick to all these known facts, and more are being revealed every day it seems, rather than go to the friggin' National Enquirer to dig up and delight in rumors that Bush is back on the sauce?

Amen, Elayne. This story only serves to distract from the really juicy and easily documented wackiness of Jeb Bush's imaginary friend, Chang.


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