Dear Abby: Is schadenfreude wrong?

Dear Abby:

Look, I know you've got Alzheimer's and your clueless daughter is doing your column now, but this is really important. I really have to tell someone. I mean, really, really, really, really. Really.

See, just 11 months ago, I was so bummed out. Well, if you were reading the news, you'd know why. This country seemed to be turning into the Theofascist Republic of North America. Drastic measure such as a move to Canada or another civil war seemed awfully attractive. My friend Steve predicted that Bruce Springsteen and the Dixie Chicks were going to disappear after November 3. I don't want to see Bruce and the Dixie Chicks disappear!

Well, 2005 plodded along and lots of news came out, none of it good. Specifically, Iraq was a debacle, and the GOP thought that putting a feeding tube in a brain-dead woman was a matter of national importance. The Bush administration was still slimy. The GOP was still shitfaced with power. The Faux News blabbermouths kept spewing the same crap.

But then, there came a change in the air. Spring turned to summer. The hills were alive with the sound of music. Bush's popularity rating crept down to the low 40s. And nothing could prod it back up again. But then again, it didn't sink any lower.

How could 42 percent or so of the American people be so fucking clueless?

Who knows? All I know is that Delay's been indicted, Frist has been caught doing a Martha Stewart, and now, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Judy Miller is free. Her source gave her permission to reveal his name. And the source is...Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's chief of staff.

I know, who woulda s'pected it?

Why does he have to call himself Scooter anyway? I loved the Muppet Show and he's ruining all my memories of it! ARGH!

Anyway, Miller's on her way to testify before a grand jury, and I'm trying to keep myself from dancing for joy in the streets. I'm feeling so blissfully happy I can't believe it. I haven't been so overjoyed about someone's unhappiness since this bitch I worked with was fired from her job. But this little, itty-bitty voice inside me says I shouldn't get too happy because it could all turn out to be nothing. And besides, it's not nice to be happy over someone's misery. I'm sure someplace in the Bible mentions that. But I can't help it!

Abby, or whoever does your column now, am I wrong to feel this way? Please let me know.


Schadenfreudelicious in NYC


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