Jeb Bush has a friend! An imaginary friend!

From the "truth is stranger than...oh, never mind department," here's the governor on his imaginary friend, Chang.
“Chang is a mystical warrior. Chang is somebody who believes in conservative principles, believes in entrepreneurial capitalism, believes in moral values that underpin a free society.
“I rely on Chang with great regularity in my public life. He has been by my side and sometimes I let him down. But Chang, this mystical warrior, has never let me down.”
It's nice to see someone didn't abandon his imaginary friend when he turned 13. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is full of lovable critters who've been abandoned by the kids to dreamt them up. I can just imagine little Jebby Bush, ensconced in boarding school, miles from Poppy and the family, dreaming up his friend Chang to keep him company.
Jebby was probably a lonely boy, with great expectations placed on him by Poppy and Mummy.
"We're expectin' great things from you, Jebby!"
"Now, Jebby, George is your responsibility."
"Jeb, can I ask a favor of you? Just one li'l favor? Pleeeeeaaaaaase? See, I've got this election comin' up, and..."
No wonder Jeb needed a friend! And who better than imaginary friend? And imaginary friend won't embarass the family, lose a presidential election, get mixed up in an S&L scandal, develop a drinking problem, get arrested, or put his foot in his mouth. In other words, Jeb might not be here today without his imaginary friend.
Let's hear it for Chang. And let's look at our elected officials with new eyes. Perhaps, behind each successful politician is an imaginary friend.