Kate Bush is back! Well, almost...

Kate Bush was one of my musical heroes during my teenage years. I adored "The Kick Inside" and "The Dreaming." During a summer in England, I spent lots of nights at the local pub. The pub had a jukebox. The jukebox had "Wuthering Heights," Kate's 1978 hit. I loved "Wuthering Heights" and kept playing it again and again. Sure, it annoyed the heck out of everyone else there, but so what?

Kate Bush has been laying low for about 12 years. Now, I find out, via The Velvet Rope, that her next album is almost done. Hooray! Yippee! Yay! God exists after all!

Here's a longer piece about Kate Bush and what she's been up to. Basically, she's now a mom, and that's one reason she's been laying low. What's that about good things coming to those who wait? I'm really hoping that the next album will be stunning.

If only we could swap Kate for George W...but that would probably violate some sort of international treaty. Sigh...

(Yeah, I included a partisan dig in here. Gotta problem with that?)


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