The Big Easy Becomes the Big Seriously Scary

It's a Yahoo report, which means it's got the bare details of what's going on in New Orleans. But even the bare details are too awful for words. As a New Yorker, who has some idea of the kind of what kinds of horrors a city can endure, my thoughts are with the people of New Orleans.

I can't even condemn the looters. How are you or I to know why they're looting? As NO's mayor says, "This is a desperate SOS." Desperate people can do things they wouldn't normally dream of doing. Things they might feel embarassed about later on. I doubt anyone down in that city woke up and thought "No one here? Shops closed? Fucking A! I always wanted a new pair of sneakers!"

Let's focus on answering their SOS before we start handing out arrest warrants.


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