"Duh, look, dood! It's duh lib'rul media sayin' bad things about Bush again."

Except actually, it's not. It's a GOP candidate trying to disance herself from the Preznit. Woo-hah!

Marilyn Brewer, a leading Republican candidate for the nation's only open House seat, stared into the TV camera and proclaimed her support for the president.

She was not talking about George W. Bush.

"I stand side by side with Ronald Reagan on less taxes and less government," Brewer told voters at a candidate forum.


Later, the self-described loyal Republican who voted for the president in 2004 explained her calculus: "If the election was this year ... he would not be re-elected."

I imagine after this, Karl Rove will figure out a way to remove Ms. Brewer from the running.

(Via Americablog.)


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