When the students know more than their "teacher's"

Student Janine Perri writes a guest op-ed in Newsday about today's teachers and their lackadaisical attitude toward typos. Like apostrophes that don't belong there. And messages that "congradulate" spelling bee winners. And administrators who brush off these boo-boos by saying, "We all make mistakes."

Granted, I've been guilty of the occasional "typo's" in this blog. And elsewhere. But what does it say if a student is more concerned about basic grammar 101 than her "teacher's"? As Ms. Perri puts it:

It makes you question today's teaching standards and wonder how much students actually learn in school, compared with how much know-ledge they gain on their own.

It is pretty scary. Perhaps "teacher's" should be required to take some grammar test's before they're certified?

Of course, some damage is done already. Take the case of Stephen Sabludowsky, who doesn't know the difference between "censure" and "censor." Or Kevin James. Both of whom, it turns out, have law degrees. And from real law schools, not diploma mills. I know; I'm dismayed by it, too.


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