Speaking of buying a clue...

William Bratton, formerly of the NYPD, currently chief of the LAPD, comments on new, anti-paparazzi laws. Basically, he thinks they're bullshit and has an easier solution.

What we need is Britney Spears to stay home instead of traipsing all over town. That would solve the problem. We don't need additional laws.... I've got laws coming out my ears to deal with this issue....

What you have is several young women in this town and several young men basically making fools of themselves and tying up not only my resources but the resources of the media that would do better covering legitimate stories instead of a bunch of airheads running around out there....

Quite clearly some of these characters so favored by the paparazzi are clearly in need of services. Not police services, but psychiatric services.

You tell 'em, dude.

Via Celebitchy.


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