My first primary day

This is the first time I've ever voted in a primary. (I was an independent before switching to the Democratic Party in 2005.) All in all, it went very smoothly.

Yes, I voted for Obama. Yes, I do think La Hill is a smart, pragmatic, hard-working politician. But I like Obama just a little bit better, mainly because I think we're ready to enter the post-Clinton/Bush political era. I would be perfectly happy with a President Hillary Clinton; I'm just ready for a change. Others' mileage may vary.

Hillary won New York, as expected. So far, she has won six states and Obama has won eight. Among those eight states are...Kansas and North Dakota. Not exactly racially diverse. Not exactly liberal strongholds, either. That should tell you something.

If La Hill gets the nomination, she should really make Obama her running mate. Just a thought.

Another thought: there are a lot of wingnuts crying in their martinis today. Yosemite Mitt won exactly two states: Massachusetts and Utah. Huckabee and McCain, however, seem to be kicking ass.


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