Much as I wish otherwise, this is NOT a joke

And the major labels wonder why they're floundering:

Although he says on his Web site that it was meant to remain a secret, Perez Hilton is today facing a leak regarding himself rather than the celebs he has made a business gossiping about.

Not that it’s a bad thing for Perez; the New York Times is reporting that the blogger is negotiating a deal that would give him his own imprint at Warner Bros. Records.

The deal would see Mario Lavandeira--Perez’s real name--receive $100,000 a year as an advance against 50% of any profits generated by music artists he discovers and releases through Warner Bros.

The talks are preliminary, and an agreement is not certain, people close to the deal told the New York Times.

However, on his blog today, Lavandeira writes, “Let's hope (the article) doesn't jinx things. It's not a done deal yet! But, we're very, very excited about the possibility. It will happen. It will!”

Call me underwhelmed. Aside from posting gossip about Britney, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, and Pete Wentz, Perez has nothing to do with music. Nada.

However, I'm still gratified to see him become part of a problem rather than part of a solution, as somehow I don't have such high hopes for this give-a-gossip-blogger-a-label idea. Perhaps this will serve to hasten the richly deserved downfall of these major labels.

Yeah, I'm being mean. Or maybe I've just heard lots of great musicians over the years who continue to be great despite no major labels and no MTV airplay. Anyhow, I'm just waiting for the schadenfreude.


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