Oh, crap. Another young actress nearly kills herself

In a galaxy of lissome, insubstantial, and undistinguished blond starlets, Natasha Lyonne stood apart--husky voice, head of reddish-blond curls, and a choice of roles that ranged from quirky cult films to ensemble blockbusters. I first saw her in "Slums of Beverly Hills," and she was fabulous as a teenage girl in 1970s California with a flat-broke dad and a crazy cousin. Certainly more deserving of megastardom than Lindsay Lohan. (Not that Lindsay's a bad actress, but she's gotten overexposed and seems way to fragile for all this press attention.)

Anyway. Back to Natasha Lyonne. She's in the hospital with a host of medical and drug-related problems. I'm usually not the sort of person to follow celebrities, but this just so sad. She once had so much promise. Here's hoping she makes a full recovery and gets her act together.


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