Awww. Diddums get mad on live television?

Or, "S is for schadenfreude, that's good enough for me." Robert "What journalistic ethics?" Novak threw a hissy fit LIVE on the set of "Inside Edition." Not only did he have a hissy fit, he said a SWEAR WORD! Ooooooooh! Bad Novak, bad! CNN doesn't like it when their pundits swear and curse live on the air, so they've suspended him. Here's the Cliff Notes version from USA Today.

Sounds as if James Carville was trying to get in a few digs at Novak, and Novak couldn't take it. The fact that they were planning to ask Novak about--AHEM--Plame probably also had something to do with it.

This is one of the funniest examples of an on-air meltdown I've ever heard of. Novak has thus far emerged unscathed from the whole grand jury investigation into the Plame case (probably because he blabbed about everything to save his skin) and continues to be welcome on polical TV gabfests. Why this man isn't a pariah in the punditverse is beyond me.

See Bob in action right here!


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