Fiona Apple--FINALLY

Well, a couple of Fiona Apple tracks are now on iTunes for download. I, music fan and wary admirer of her talent that I am, went ahead and downloaded them.

Now that her album is FINALLY coming out, I feel a little cheated. I suspect everyone was led to believe that she was a victim of label politics. Jon Brion gave the sob story about Sony leaving the album on a shelf because there was no apparent single. "Free Fiona!" cried her fans. My guy wondered if perhaps she could buy back the album and take it to a nice, sympathetic indie.

But now rumor has it that Apple herself is the reason the album was delayed. (Of course, no one can explain how the thing got leaked onto the net in the first place.) Oh poopy. That's not as exciting as the concept of Fiona vs. the Record Industry. Anyway, her new album, "Extraordinary Machine," will be out October 4. Here's hoping she can avoid flaking out.


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