In Which The Truffle Goes to a Vigil

I went to one of the city's many, many vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan. We were right in front of the NBC building, in fact, and perhaps they'll run a ten-second segment on it at some point or other. Feh. The hell with TV news.

I've been to demos, but never a vigil. It was a well-mannered but passionate affair. Lots of people were holding candles and the occasional sign (with slogans gladly provided by I got one of these small candles that I put in a Dixie cup. It's very easy to put a candle in a cup. You use the melting wax, let it drip into the cup, and stick in the candle. Presto.

There were a few women from Code Pink (a feminist peace organization that I know very little about). They were identifiable because of their pink outfits and hot pink buttons. They do seem like an interesting group. I'd like to find out more--but as for getting involved, there's a problem: I look awful in pink. It's my worst color.

Weirdly enough, earlier that day, I sent a care package to a US soldier in Iraq. There's a site called, which has listings for US troops needing snacks, toiletries, letters, and other good stuff. I wanted to do something for the troops, so I did it. Two bottles of body wash and five paperback novels. Not only am I supporting the troops, I'm also getting rid of some old books of mine. Man, did I need to clear off the shelf space!

The Rude Pundit, meanwhile, weighs in on the Preznit and the grieving mother. It has the splendid title of "President Who-Gives-a-Shit (Part 3, Wherein President Who-Gives-a-Shit Reveals That He Is the Exact Same Kind of Selfish Baby Boomer His Party Accused Bill Clinton of Being)." Classic stuff.


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