Can you say "nail in the coffin"?

McCain probably wishes he'd suspended his godforsaken campaign for good last month. Barry Goldwater's granddaughter has endorsed Obama. She speaks for her siblings and some cousins as well.

Ow. OW!

Even McCain campaign chairs are saying he's toast.

William Weld, ex-governor of Massachusetts, backs Obama. (Yes, I know what the Freepers will say: "Weld's a RINO, anyway. Who needs him?")

Another, erm, RINO for Obama is...drum roll please...Julie Nixon Eisenhower. Julie. NIXON. EISENHOWER.

Former Republican Senators Charles Mathias and Larry Pressler also back Obama.

So does former Minnesota governor Arne Carlson.

Wow. A lot of old-school, long-time Republicans there. It sounds like a lot of them are really, really unhappy with their party. For many of them, this could be their first ever vote for a Democrat. Before the Freepers laugh them off, let's let Larry Pressler have the last word:

"We have to be a moderate party. We can't be for all these foreign military adventures. We have to stop spending so much money. My God, the deficit is so high!" he said. "The Republican Party I knew in the 1970s is just all gone."

Despite his support for Obama, however, Pressler emphasized that he intended to stay in the GOP and described himself as a "moderate conservative."

"I'm not leaving the Republican Party. We're going to reform it," he said, but added: "In the general election, if you have disagreements, you should not vote the party line."

A bunch of cats have compiled some choice quotes from the aforementioned unhappy Republicans.


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