All things considered...

I'm not comfortable with the caricature of McCain as a mean grump. I think McCain is afflicted with the Bob Dole syndrome. Dole let himself be cast as a cranky old man. After he lost, he showed that he actually had a sense of humor! Dude appeared on Cartoon Network talking about Bugs Bunny. He did a Pepsi commercial with Britney Spears. For an old fogey failed presidential candidate, Dole is actually kind of a funny guy. I wonder why he didn't follow Fred Thompson into acting.

I'm hoping McCain loses so that maybe he can take up a second post-Senate career as a standup comedian. Or maybe a nightclub act with Cindy. Admit it--you've always wanted to see Cindy McCain in a sequined dress, standing next to John McCain as he sings "Big Spender."


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