And another note

Palin has rehearsed very nicely, but she sounds really vapid. Joe Sixpack. Hockey moms. Is there a string in her back you can pull to make her spout this stuff?

Biden maybe needs to sound more populist. Or even state more of his own views. But he's pointing out where McCain has gotten the economy wrong.

Whoops! Biden relates a conversation with a guy whom he met at a gas station.

Palin keeps saying "darn." Her eyes are weirdly vacant.

Why does Biden keep lowering his gaze. Of course, Biden calls her on the lie that Obama voted to raise taxes.


Uh oh! Ifill points out that taxing health benefits is a bad idea! Bad liberal media mean lady Ifill! Baaaaaaaaaaad Ifill!

Biden talks about fairness and points out that most Americans will not see a tax increase. He's really got the patience of a saint to debate this twit. She's channeling St. Ronnie Reagan. Except probably not.


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