It had to happen--Rudy vs. Mitt

Mr. 9/11 and Mr. H-E-Double Hockey Sticks have wiped the brown off their noses long enough to exchange personal attacks. No, they're not accusing each other of being faux conservatives. It's better than that.

The bulk of the battle stemmed from Romney's decision on Friday to call for the resignation of Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Kathe Tuttman -- 20 months after he appointed her.

Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, learned that Tuttman had released without bail a convicted killer, who has since been charged with killing a married couple in Washington state.

Romney defended his decision Saturday, saying that Tuttman had "showed an inexplicable lack of good judgment," and that, despite her "record of being a law and order prosecutor," her poor judgment requires her to step down.

Giuliani, who was also in New Hampshire, told The Associated Press on Saturday, "the governor is going to have to explain his appointment and the judge is going to have to explain her decision."

Romney shot back -- making jabs at Giuliani's judgment.

Romney pointed to his rival's close friend and former New York police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, who is being indicted on multiple counts of corruption and fraud.

"It's strange to have him bringing forward my selection of individuals to serve, judges and so forth, when he's got Bernie Kerik all over him these days. When someone he knew was under investigation, he recommended to the president to be secretary of Homeland Security?... Throwing stones from a glass house is never a wise thing to do," Romney said in an interview to be aired Monday on CNN's "The Situation Room."

Man, Wednesday's debate can't come soon enough. It's got to be more interesting than the Hillary and Friends show the Dem debates have become. Speaking of the Dem debates, does anyone besides me think Biden would be a better Secretary of State than President?


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