Crybaby Conservative Alert!

Today's crybaby conservative is Amanda P. Doss, wannabe Swiftboater. The above photo shows Ms. Doss at an anti-Jane Fonda protest. Ms. Doss is the Web "designer" for Operation Street Corner, billed as "the Vietnam Veterans' Grassroots Campaign Against John Kerry and Jane Fonda, traitors to our country." (She claims to be a professional Web designer, and, to be fair, she does seem to have a decent grasp of the Frontpage web editing program.)
Anyhow, Doss must've gotten bored with Kerry and Fonda, because she's now created a Web site called You can guess who the target is here.
Unfortunately for her, the reality-based blogosphere has grown wise to Swiftboat-style smearing, and Ms. Doss found herself on the receiving end of angry e-mails. Subject lines like "BURN IN HELL, FASCIST" and messages like "Go fuck yourself. Better yet, prepare for the swiftboating we're about to do to you!" A social worker suggested she get mental help. Floored by such a vicious response, Ms. Doss posted some of the nastiest e-mails on her site in the hopes of winning sympathy. The poor dear is so traumatized that she hasn't even put any Murtha-bashing content on her site yet.
Bob Geiger has advice for Ms. Doss: Stop whining.
You better toughen up, my little poisonous cupcake.
This is nothing. I get more nasty hate mail than that every week. My mother "should have aborted you when she had the chance," said one recent correspondent. One guy said I should "… move away or at least, go to hell" and another said I should "burn in hell forever." They even threaten me and my family on a regular basis.
Doss is going be really devastated to find out that people are on to her before she had the chance to post a single lie about Murtha. Over at the Agonist, they've done some digging on Ms. Doss. She is, it turns out, an unpleasant piece of work, the worst kind of raging wingnut fruitcake. And while she claims to be the daughter of a Vietnam vet, she herself remains happy to be stationed with the 101st Fighting keyboardists. In short, she's a classic crybaby conservative, one who'd happily be concocting all kinds of smear campaigns were it not for all those mean reality-based people calling her on it.