Oh, this is just super ducky

Tom Delay wasn't content with just resigning from Congress. He wasn't satisfied with blaming the Democrats for making his re-election "a referendum on me." He wasn't going to go quietly in the night, lest he get his ass whooped by Nick Lampson.


He had to have his supporters (yes, believe it or not, he has supporters) crash Lampson's press conference and physically assault Lampson supporters. Including a 69-year-old woman.

Who are these mouthbreathers who still think Delay is the bee's knees? And how do they justify a man could be spending his days in an orange prison uniform soon? Good question. From that same linky-winky:

Albert calmly asked her, "Why would you do that? He doesn't stand with you. He cut and ran from you." Good point, Albert. She didn't have an answer.


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