Natasha Lyonne heads for rehab

I remember seeing a photograph a few months back of Natasha Lyonne looking like a sad, prematurely aging bag lady. Aaaaaaaack! She was so great in Slums of Beverly Hills and American Pie! She can really, really act! And she's not a famewhore like Lindsay Lohan! Well, it turns out she's a heroin addict. Shit. Not again. Plus, she made her ex-roommate's life a living hell and she's got emotional and/or mental problems. Meanwhile, her dad says there's nothing wrong with her at all. (These young actresses/pop stars always have fucked up, wimpy, or delusional dads. Surprise surprise.)

Anyway, I just read the other day that she checked herself into rehab in Malibu. Which could be a hopeful sign. I mean, I love celebrity snark as much as anyone else, but this chick has waaaaaay too much talent to let herself go to ruin. Here's hoping she can get herself clean.


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