Some people never fucking learn

For all the blather over San Francisco as a supposed liberal paradise, the place sure does attract some reactionary freaks. I mean, Michael Savage is based in the Bay Area. Michael. Savage. And now this moron compares Obama's election to...get ready for this...O.J. Simpson's murder trial.

I am not making this up.

Of course, the guy hasn't signed his name, which makes me wonder if The Shock Jock Formerly Known as Michael Weiner hasn't taken to posting anonymously online. Nah, probably not. There really are people stupid enough to write shit like this:

Obama is President, good. I can't wait for all the black people to want their free cheese. The truth of the matter is he being part black will not help you. Get off your asses and solidify YOUR LIVES. Millions of black men will not be freed from prison. Ebonics will not be taught in our schools and basketball will not replace Math as a standard of national education.

And oh goody, another idiot has followed up with more racist bile.

Really, people like this make me embarrassed to be white.


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