Against my better judgment, I checked out Freeperland in the aftermath of 11/4/08. Gawd, is it just me, or is Freeperland one ugly, poorly designed Web site? Anyhow, one of the Freepi (TM Badtux) reposts some helpful advice from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , a.k.a., The Richard Mellon Scaife Money-Losing Wingnut Daily . Scaife and company are trying to lick their wounds following the election and offer some helpful advice for their fellow Freepi, Scaife stooges, and wingnuts. The top of the list? Thin the RINO Herd . Big question: WHAT RINO herd? Even before Chris Shays lost his re-election bid, you can count on one hand the number of so-called RINOs left on Capitol Hill: Specter from PA, Snowe and Collins from Maine. Never fear, the author has concluded that the GOP is overrun with RINOs and has abandoned Reagan-style conservatism. The GOP has become an unprincipled, undisciplined, ineffective shell of its former self. It has a party structure controlled by lobbyists and spec...