Signs of GOP desperation, Part 34

It's election year and what are GOP candidates doing to try to scare people into voting for them? Are they talking about Iraq? National security? The terrorist bombing that (thankfully) didn't happen? The Pledge of Allegiance? Gay marriage? Abortion? No. So what's their latest meme?

Speaker Pelosi. That's what we'll have if the Democrats take back the House.

Yes, you read that correctly. With nothing else to fall back on, having proven to be domestic policy foul-ups who can't run a pre-emptive war and wouldn't recognize national security if it kicked them, they're trying to hold onto their seats by screeching, "Speaker Nancy Pelosi! Ooga booga ooga booga!"

After years of House Majority Leader Tom Delay (who still can't get off the ballot), I suspect that the idea of Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't exactly send chills up people's spines.

This is turning into the most fun campaign year in recent memory.


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