C'mon, rev up the popcorn machine!

The Associated Press obtained a letter that the Florida GOP sent to Katherine Harris. Not only did they refuse to support her, but they assured her she didn't have a snowball's chance in the Everglades of winning the Senate race.

The letter said: "Katherine, though it causes us much anguish, we have determined that your campaign faces irreparable damage. We feel that we have no other choice but to revoke our support.

"The polls tell us that no matter how you run this race, you will not be successful in beating Bill Nelson, who would otherwise be a vulnerable incumbent if forced to face a stronger candidate," it said.

Meanwhile, Jeb Bush and others are scrambling to find another candidate. Poor Ms. Harris. It must be hard for her to be used and discarded by the party machine. Now, excuse me while I decide how much salt I want with my popcorn.


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