Oh happy happy happy day!

Yes, Joementum lost the primary--narrowly, but still a loss for a dude who seemed to be firmly entrenched as Fox News's favorite Democrat. Maybe now, Connecticut will have a senator who doesn't try to undercut his own party.

And no, this primary isn't a rejection of moderate candidates. Moderates like Harry Reid, John Murtha, Mark Warner, and Kathleen Sebelius still have a home in the Democratic party. This primary is a rejection of Democrats who are ashamed of their party and what it represents.

Take note, wingnuts--The Democratic party welcomes moderates. It's a big tent. YOUR party is the one that scorned and marginalized the centrists. You're the ones who try to pretend the Olympia Snowes of the GOP don't exist. So stop projecting onto the Democrats. It's getting boring and predictable.

This primary victory represents a rejection of the GOP's disastrous policies and the Fox News Democrats who act as enablers for Bushco.

Deal with it.


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