Pie-in-the-Sky Conservatives

When coming up with talking points, keep them clear, simple, and to the point. Frank Luntz could tell you that. For all the thinking, brainstorming, and focus-grouping, it's pretty easy to come up with a slogan to get behind. In fact, here's a perfect slogan:

Democrats will get the job done.

That's it. Nothing fancy. No gimmicks. No bullshit.

For the past six years, this country's citizens have been guinea pigs for pie-in-the-sky conservative ideologues, who've been testing all sorts of silly concepts and ideas dreamed up by think tanks, with no concern for whether they'll work. Bush's whole presidency has been one of wild-eyed schemes that fail miserably because they have no basis in reality.

The PNAC's Iraq experiment? A disaster because the neocons had no idea what they were doing. Bush's "ownership society" and "Social Security reform"? Described in the press as a "boutique idea" hatched by conservative foundations, these plans are now dead in the water.

Enough is enough. Thise country needs are pragmatic problem-solvers. People who'll just do what's right and what works best, regardless of what the left, right, or center think. People who listen to their constituents, not some senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation who thinks he knows how the country should be run.

Many of these right-wing ideologues are basically rich kids who couldn't function outside their little world of policy meetings and conferences. They have no idea how other Americans live. And that is why they can't govern.

Mind you, I'm all for progressive think tanks and policy institutes, provided they can do what their right-wing counterparts can't do: address real-world concerns.

Don't feed the people talking points. Don't give them more rhetoric and more photo ops. Just promise that you'll get the job done.

THAT should be the Democrats' new slogan: "Democrats: Getting the Job Done." Clear and simple. Let the GOP trip over its own rhetoric as it sinks under the weight of its scandals. And, while the Repugs try to right themselves, come up with solutions that the American people so badly need.


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