Joe Biden--SHUT UP! Uh...on second thought...forget what I said

Joe Biden actually said something that made me not want to stuff a sock in his mouth.


Biden says that the troops should get the hell out of Iraq by the summer if the Iraqis can't get their act together.

"We can't want peace in Iraq more than the Iraqis want it," Biden said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We can't want it more than they want it. And if they don't step up to the ball, we're going to be gone."

Biden said if knew what he knows now when Congress voted on the Iraq war resolution, he would have opposed it. "This has been a debacle," he said.

Oh. My. Not only is Joe calling for withdrawal, but he also says he wouldn't have supported the war knowing what he does now.

The teeny-tiny cynical voice in me is saying that Joe is probably saying this stuff with an eye on a presidential run (no, Joe, just no), but the optimist in me is applauding him for saying this.

Congresscritters and senators on both sides of the aisle need to follow Murtha, Biden, and Congressman Walter B. Jones not only in calling for withdrawal, but in saying, "If I knew then what I know now."

Naturally, fellow 2008 hopeful George Allen is against a timetable. And Karl Rove gave the usual blather about why the US should stay the course. C'mon, guys. Those talking points don't fly anymore.


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