"After the last eight years, it’s good to have a president that knows what a library is." That's Sir Paul McCartney, after accepting a prize from President Obama. All of a sudden, the wingnutosphere remembered that insulting the president (specifically, the one before Obama) is ANTI-AMEHRIKIN! This is very amusing, given that right wingers have been trying to forget GWB even existed since, I dunno, 2007. They even kept him away from the 2008 Republican convention. After all, Bush-bashing had become a universal past-time, indulged in by everyone from comedy writers to Mayans . Now, all of a sudden, in a sudden rush of 2003-style faux outrage, right-wing politicians and pundits are mad at McCartney. John Boehner whined to Human Events about it (and lots of commenters joined in the whining). Human Events reporter Connie Hair tried to buff GWB's scholarly credentials by pointing out his Harvard MBA (thank heaven for legacy admissions, eh, Connie?). It's re...