A GOP history lesson

Via Tomfoolery, a comparison between the GOP of Barry Goldwater and the GOP of Sarah Palin.

To quote Barry the G:

[T]he use of God’s name on one’s behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in ‘A,’ ‘B,’ ‘C,’ and ‘D.’ Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?

I suspect that if Goldwater were alive today, he'd be an independent or a member of the Libertarian Party.


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