The GOP First Movement

A new special interest has emerged in this country--the GOP First Movement. These are not the Republicans who consider party affiliation just one part of who they are. These are also not the Republicans who think about their party only on Election Day. These are the Republicans who identify themselves as Republicans first, Americans second.

It's for them that the acronym IOKIYAR (It's OK If You're a Republican) was coined.

The GOP First Movement's unofficial motto is "Party First, Country Second." Grabbing power and votes is the be-all and end-all. Rewarding the corporations who give them money is taken a given with the GOP First Movement. Their goal is to serve the Party; why should the piddly voters concern them?

The GOP First Movement embraces the idea of a one-party state with gusto. They make no secret of wanting the Democratic Party either consigned to permanent minority status or simply erased from existence. They have only contempt for the achievements of Democratic presidents. Thus, their hostility to the New Deal. The GOP Firsters also have no love for other parties.

The GOP First Movement encourages a sense of entitlement. Although they support the Iraq war, joining the military is for other people, not for them. They believe that keeping the party in power is more important than serving their country--the country is beneath their concern.

GOP Firsters see politics not as something that can better the lives of people, but as a contact sport. Their mentality is not "my candidate is better/stronger/more effective" but "my guy can beat up your guy."

It's okay for a GOP Firster to make outlandish attacks on opponents. However, GOP Firsters hate it when anyone calls them on it or--God forbid--makes similar attacks on them.

There is no dissent among GOP Firsters. They do not tolerate disagreement--even healthy disgreement. Anyone who dissents is cast out of the GOP Firsters and dubbed a RINO.

GOP Firsters may be hostile to outsiders, but they are loyal to their own. If a fellow GOP Firster is accused of a crime--be it perjury, taking bribes, or treason--the rest rush to protect and defend him. An attack on a GOP Firster is an attack on the Party.

Because GOP Firsters are loyal only to themselves and not to their country, their time in power could be very short-lived. In the end, every GOP Firster is answerable only to the people who put him there--which includes Democrats and independents as well as other Republicans. And a GOP Firster makes a poor public servant, because he serves only his party, not his country.


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