From the "Much ado about...oh, never mind" department...

The runaway bride in Texas. She will have been forgotten by the end of the year. Bet on it.

Brad and Angelina and Jennifer. The media's all over them, but they're kinda mum. And I'm kinda bored by them. When was the last time Angelina had a hit movie anyway?

Dean's comments about the GOP. They're "pretty much a white Christian party"? Gawd, after the way the GOP courted white Christians, I never would've guessed. If anything, Dean's comment wins the Deanna Troi Award for Blatantly Obvious Commentary. Why is anyone shocked by this? And why is the right wing echo machine so mad when they've been saying all kinds of nasty things about the opposition for years? Grow a thick skin, people.

The West Side stadium that will never be. Now Bloomberg says that New York City let America down. Oh, puh-lease. A West Side stadium would've been a traffic nightmare. Believe me, New York will survive without a stadium. Bloomberg should focus on rebuilding downtown. Oh yeah, and that proposed Freedom Tower looks like a hypodermic needle.


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