The fangirl is happy
I saw "Revenge of the Sith" and after that went back to watch "Return of the Jedi" on DVD. After the snif-snif-WAAAAAAAAAH! moments of "Sith," I really needed to remind myself that the story ultimately has a happy ending. The good guys win; the bad guys lose; love conquers all. Anakin ultimately finds redemption, thanks to his son, the only person in the galaxy who could possibly believe he was worth saving. When "Sith" came out, people drew parallels between the movie and current events. Maybe, on a political level, some parts of the movie do hit home--a senate that grants more and more power to the evil Chancellor Palpatine, for example. Would've liked a couple of scenes with Padme and the other senators standing up to Palpy--which forms the basis for the Rebel Alliance. In the novelization of "Sith," we do see Padme meeting secretly with other senators and putting together a petition of two thousand senators critical of Pal...